Documentary Filmmaker Sam Jones tells the story of Tony Hawk from his rise to stardom to his humble beginnings when...
The 2020 film ‘Becky’ starring Lulu Wilson, introduced us all to a fiery young badass that the horror community fell...
When discussing ‘Fresh’, the new film by director Mimi Cave and writer Lauryn Kahn, is it important to establish how versatile it is. This is the rare film where the adjectives, ‘fun, gory, disturbing, charming, amusing, and clever’ all apply with equal accuracy. The voracity of the whirling narrative, including...
Eric Andre and his writing team brought whippets, Reggie Watts and a first look at season 6 of ‘The Eric...
During San Diego Comic-Con 2022, Paramount Pictures, in partnership with eOne, will bring the fantastical world of Dungeons & Dragons...
The new Disney+ Original series ‘National Treasure: Edge of History,’ based on the hit film franchise, made its debut at San Diego Comic-Con, complete with a Ballroom 20 panel, a new teaser trailer, and a behind-the-scenes look at the series. Moderated by comedian and influencer Jenny Lorenzo (“What’s Up, Disney+”),...
In 2020, when we all needed heroes, ‘Becky’ hit our screens with Lulu Wilson playing a 14 year old badass...
The structure of a fairy tale and the structure of a horror film are not as oppositional as it would...
Based on George R.R. Martin’s Fire & Blood, ‘House of the Dragon’ chronicles the rise and the downfall of the Targaryens, who are the only family of dragonlords to survive the Doom of Valyria. It will take place 300 years before the events of the award-winning series adaptation of ‘Game of Thrones’ which aired...
If there’s one thing we can all agree on it’s that it’s really fun to watch Nazi’s get absolutely destroyed....
‘Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves’ Kicks Off San Diego Comic-Con With the World Debut Trailer
Paramount went all in on at San Diego Comic-Con for for their upcoming fantasy film ‘Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among...
The official trailer for the final seven episodes of the first season of TRANSFORMERS: EARTHSPARK was revealed during an exclusive panel at Comic-Con International: San Diego 2023. New episodes will be available to stream in the U.S. and Canada on Friday, July 28, with additional international territories to follow. The first...