Documentary Filmmaker Sam Jones tells the story of Tony Hawk from his rise to stardom to his humble beginnings when he felt like he never fit in, even into the skateboarding world.
Centering around intimate new interviews with Tony Hawk himself, the film is an all-encompassing look at the skateboarder’s life, legendary career, and relationship with the sport with which he’s been synonymous for decades. Hawk, a pioneer of modern vertical skating who is still pushing his limits at the age of 53, remains one of the most influential skateboarders of all time.
Tony Hawk has an all-time personality and I can’t wait to check out the film. They just dropped the trailer below ahead of the SXSW premiere on March 12. If you can’t make it to SXSW don’t fret, the documentary will be coming to HBO Max on April 5th.
Mel Eslyn, Jay Duplass, and Mark Duplass serve as executive producers.