Shudder released the premiere date, trailer and key art for the fourth season of ‘Creepshow,’ the hit horror anthology series...
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The Max Original Animation panel hosted at San Diego Comic-Con included exclusive first looks at upcoming animated series coming soon...
Now, it does not please me to say that I was making my core video store memories in more like...
Tony Award winner Ben Platt and Molly Gordon star in the original comedy ‘Theater Camp’ as Amos and Rebecca-Diane –...
In 2020, when we all needed heroes, ‘Becky’ hit our screens with Lulu Wilson playing a 14 year old badass...
Today at a special ‘Mythic Quest’ panel during San Diego Comic-Con, Apple TV+ and the cast and creators of hit workplace comedy...
It’s confirmed: the ‘Ted’ prequel series will be as “R-rated” as the films. As announced last year, the foul-mouthed teddy...
CBS’s haunted comedy series ‘Ghosts’ is heading to San Diego Comic-Con with an off-site activations that will be setup like...